Monday, March 26, 2012

How to force a page break on a multi-column report ?

When I use the PageBreakAtEnd on the table or on a group in the table, all it does is create a new column of the column report.

I'd want it to start a new page, how can I do this ? Should I work around this issue using code ?

Background: What I need to achieve is a report with 2 columns where the list of products in category 1 are listed in the left column and then snake to the 2nd column on the same page, then to column 1 on page 2, column 2 on page 2, etc...

When it comes to category 2, it should start a fresh new page regardless of whether the previous product was rendered in column 1 or column 2.

I get the snaking to work using the "Columns" property of the report Body. However page breaks do not start a new page, they just start a new column.

What if you created an outer group which evaluated the same expression, and put the page break on that group instead? Would that work for you?|||

Hi Alan,

If u want page break after specifi records on report u can try by modifying the(.rdl) file which is XML and set the tag property as specific inches might work for u.For that u have to set the tag value 2 in or any 'x' in where tag name is 'InteractiveHeight'.


I hope this'll help u for forcing the page break.




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