Friday, March 30, 2012

How to format prediction Expression


when i make use of predicton functions, the output is formatted in its own.But I want to format that.How to do that?


Can you please elaborate? Are you using BI Dev studio, SQL Management Studio or other tool to run the DMX query using prediction function. Where are you looking at the output?|||

hi Shuvro,

Thanks For your reply.Is it possible to format the resultset returned from a prediction function.

For Example,In this query, select PredictTimeSeries(Performance,5) FROM [Stud_Model] I am getting the resultset as Expression.$Time Expression.Performance

200611 90

200612 95 like that.

I want to give my own columnnames as Year and to do that?




You can try

select Flattened


select $time as TimeStamp, [Performance] as Perf from PredictTimeSeries([Performance], 5)

) as A from [Stud_Model]

This allows you to customize the name of each column, as well as the name of the whole sub-select, and the results should look like

A.TimeStamp, A.Perf


Thanks a lot bogdan,thats very helpful to me.


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