Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to force a subreport not to break to the new page?

I have a subreport embeded into the main report. When the subreport contains
more data than it can be displayed on the same page, it breaks to the next
page leaving the previous one almost empty.
Does anybody know a solution for keeping subreport data on the same page as
much as possible and breaking to the next page with the rest of data that
does not fit to the first page?
Thank you in advance.
EdmundasI've found out that if the size of the (body and report itself) of the
subreport is small enough, this occurs less, but this seems like a work
around...|||> When the subreport contains
> more data than it can be displayed on the same page, it breaks to the next
> page leaving the previous one almost empty.
I am having the same issue. The main report is very simple - a table with 2
detail lines - the second detail line has the subreport in it. The subreport
is a simple table with one header and one detail band.
Like StefanO-nl - I don't see this problem on other reports where the
subreport has a small number of rows.
Is there any kind of work-around for this? A sub-report is a highly useful
thing, so I'd hate to not be able to use it because of page-break weirdness
in PDFs.
I just installed RS SP2 (client only) for development, and it did not fix
the problem.
"Edmundas" wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a subreport embeded into the main report. When the subreport contains
> more data than it can be displayed on the same page, it breaks to the next
> page leaving the previous one almost empty.
> Does anybody know a solution for keeping subreport data on the same page as
> much as possible and breaking to the next page with the rest of data that
> does not fit to the first page?
> Thank you in advance.
> Edmundas
>|||Hello I have ran into this numerous times and with alot of "playing around"
it seems that if the subreport has a height of .1 and a width equal to the
width of the widest report item, random pagination does not occur.
"Edmundas" wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a subreport embeded into the main report. When the subreport contains
> more data than it can be displayed on the same page, it breaks to the next
> page leaving the previous one almost empty.
> Does anybody know a solution for keeping subreport data on the same page as
> much as possible and breaking to the next page with the rest of data that
> does not fit to the first page?
> Thank you in advance.
> Edmundas

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