Friday, March 30, 2012

how to format this layout?

I have to incorporate a subreport into my main report. if my main report shows state, county, city and my subreport shows county and school name. how can I show just the schools that are in that county.
my question is how can I apply a condition to show schools in the subreport where county name (subreport ) = county name (main report) ?

attached is an image of the layout.

I know it's probably easy but I'm new to Crystal.

thank youYou can link the subreport with the main report. Right-click on sub-report and select 'Change Sub-report links' option. In the Link window,select the 'County Name' field from the Main report. Select the checkbox 'Select Data in Subreport based on field'.
Hope it helps !!!

Rashmi|||yup that was it .thank you very much

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