Friday, March 23, 2012

How to find which tables allocates disk space.

I just had truncate a table in a database that had grown too big, due to faw
lty log settings. Now the database only hold 20 MB of data but the allocated
size of the database is still 4 GB.
Is there any way I can find which one of the tables is responsible for alloc
ating that amount of disk space? I haven't found any view that shows this. N
or did I find any interface to show any size properties regarding the system
tables, like the "Task Pad
" do for tables created by users.
please help me out here.
kind regards
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To reduce a physical size of the database perform DBCC SHRINKFILE command
Look at sp_spaceused stored procedure in the BOL.
"sven ekdahl" <> wrote in message
> I just had truncate a table in a database that had grown too big, due to
fawlty log settings. Now the database only hold 20 MB of data but the
allocated size of the database is still 4 GB.
> Is there any way I can find which one of the tables is responsible for
allocating that amount of disk space? I haven't found any view that shows
this. Nor did I find any interface to show any size properties regarding the
system tables, like the "Task Pad" do for tables created by users.
> please help me out here.
> kind regards
> sven
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ASP.NET resources...|||Hi
"sven ekdahl" wrote:

> I just had truncate a table in a database that had grown too big, due to f
awlty log settings. Now the database only hold 20 MB of data but the allocat
ed size of the database is still 4 GB.
> Is there any way I can find which one of the tables is responsible for allocating
that amount of disk space? I haven't found any view that shows this. Nor did I find
any interface to show any size properties regarding the system tables, like the "Tas
k P
ad" do for tables created by users.
> please help me out here.
> kind regards
> sven
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T resources...
By using DBCC SHRINKDATABASE you cannot reduce a size of the database
smaller than this minimum size.
"Mike Epprecht (SQL MVP)" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> Hi
> Have a look at DBCC SHRINKDATABASE in BOL.
> Regards
> Mike
> "sven ekdahl" wrote:
fawlty log settings. Now the database only hold 20 MB of data but the
allocated size of the database is still 4 GB.[vbcol=seagreen]
allocating that amount of disk space? I haven't found any view that shows
this. Nor did I find any interface to show any size properties regarding the
system tables, like the "Task Pad" do for tables created by users.[vbcol=seagreen]
ASP.NET resources...[vbcol=seagreen]|||how do I call this SHRINKFILE procedure? What's meant with the logical file
name of a database?
Sent via Fuzzy Software @.
Comprehensive, categorised, searchable collection of links to ASP & ASP.NET
resources...|||To find the logical file names you can use : sp_helpdb <dbanme>
"sven ekdahl" <> wrote in message
> how do I call this SHRINKFILE procedure? What's meant with the logical
> file name of a database?
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