When you use Report designer in the BI development studio, on the Preview tab, you can have a straight preview or a print layout preview. I suppose what you see in the print layout preview is what you get when you print the report or export the report to the other format.
However, often you see everything looks perfect in a straight preview but does look right in the print layout preview. For example, you might get the following problems in the print layout preview, even if everything looks perfect in a straight preview.
· Every even page is a blank page
· Items that should be together on the same page are separated into different pages. For example, on the first page, I had a TextBox1 followed by Image1 then followed by TextBox2. Both textboxes have constant (static) values, and Image1 holds a jpg image. Strangely enough, when I do print layout preview, I saw both textboxes and blank space in-between on the first page, and then saw the image on the second page. No matter how I adjust and what I adjust (position, size, bring to front, send to back, ... etc), I just could not get them into the same page, and I have no clue why.
Can anyone provide some suggestions, advices, experience, knowledge, or pointers?
Where and what elements should I look into to fix the layout problems stated above?
Thanks in advance.
Chris in Toronto
Hi There,
It's probably a problem with page width. Your report is too wide to fit on a single page, and so the right hand edge will be carved off into a new page, hene every other page is blank or your data is split across pages.
The report should be something like 21cm by 29.7cm (sorry, I can't remember the inch equivalents). And the body should be about 18cm wide. (at least these measurements certainly fit on a sheet of A4 in one of my reports).
Cheers - Andrew.|||
I have already considered the page width.
No matter how I adjust the page width, it does not fix the two problems that I described.
Thanks anyway.
|||When you looked at the page width vs. body width, did you consider the size of the margins? This blog article might help:
This situation is the only one I'm aware of that will reliably cause every other page to be blank in physical page layout renderers.
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